Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Volunteering in the Classroom

Volunteering in the Classroom
Pacific Crest Academy teachers appreciate the support of our families and welcome volunteers into their classrooms.  In order to volunteer, your background check must be current and the Called to Protect Safe Environment Training must be completed.  If you have taken the training through a local Parish please bring in a copy of your renewal certificate. We now have trainers on site and will be offering the training in the near future. Those who took it from CYO last year will be receiving information on PCA’s renewal policy.  Please look for an update regarding the date and time for training and renewal policy in the upcoming Forum.   When volunteering at PCA, you must first sign in at the school office and obtain a volunteer lanyard.  This is a sign to both teachers and students that you are supposed to be on campus. Please be sure to return your lanyard to the PCA office before leaving campus.  Also if you are dropping off something for your child that they forgot please bring it to the office and not to the classroom.  Thank you for your support in this matter. 

Curriculum Night 2011-2012

Curriculum Night
Curriculum night will be held Thursday, September 8th at 6:00 p.m. beginning in the Parish Hall*.  We ask that at least one parent from each family attend.  Following the presentation in the Parish Hall we will have two twenty minute breakout sessions to allow parents to attend multiple classrooms.  The teachers look forward to seeing all of you to share the exciting things they have planned for the year and to give an overview of the curriculum and what your child(ren) will be learning.  We appreciate the effort that you make to come to this important night. 

*Please note:  Child care will not be provided.

Parents in Prayer

Please join us every Friday after drop off in the Childcare Room for Parents in Prayer.  We pray the rosary as a group and then stay for optional coffee and conversation following.  Typical times are Fridays 8:00AM - 8:30AM for prayers, followed by socializing until around 9AM.  Children are always welcome.

Happy First Week of School from the Parent's Club

Hello PCA Parents,

New Volunteer Hours Tracking

In an effort to simplify tracking your volunteer hours, we have created a new tracking sheet that will be pasted on the back of each family’s Friday folder.  The goal is that you can log any hours that you’ve contributed on a weekly basis, so that you don’t have to go back mid year and try to remember what you did and when.  Please let us know if you have any questions about this new form!

Mark your Calendars!

Mark your calendars because you won’t want to miss our first of only 5 Parents Club Meetings this school year!  On Friday September 23rd we are looking forward to updating on you several exciting changes that we have been working on.  Included will be changes to the structure of the PC Board, changes to the PC budgets and volunteer opportunities that will make volunteering easier on you and your checkbook!  We will also have our usual social hour before and after the business meeting with great food and beverages.  This always proves to be a great time to socialize and get to know other families within the school.  An agenda will be provided in advance and if there is something in particular that you’d like to hear about or see covered at the meeting, please let Jeanette Rafferty know ASAP.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Hopefully you had a chance to review upcoming volunteer opportunities at our wonderful Back to School Social last week!  Below are the current list of opportunities that we need help with.  If you are interested in any of these fun and fulfilling positions, please contact Jeanette Rafferty.

Room Parents for the following grades:

5th Grade
6th Grade
This is a wonderful opportunity in a very fun and fulfilling role!  Get to know other families in your class better and work with your teacher to help organize classroom needs and fun parties.  More details are can be made available, and in person training will be provided to all room parents in the coming weeks.

Hot Lunch Chair:

Don’t be overwhelmed by the title, this is a straight forward opportunity and a great way to get your hours in for the year!  The chair selects and orders hot lunch once per month for the Wednesday hot lunch program.  They work with the office to obtain student order counts and places the order with the Camas School District (we have a long term relationship with the contact at the school district who is easy and great to work with!).  Organize or assign a volunteer to pick up hot lunch for Liberty Middle School Cafeteria every Wednesday at 10:45.  Manage volunteer schedules for both prep and serving on Wednesdays.  Maintain a stock of basic supplies such as serve ware and condiments.  Please contact me if you are interested.

Hot lunch Helpers:

Volunteers are needed to help prepare, set up, serve and clean up on Wednesdays for hot lunch beginning on September 14th.

Pizza and Subway Fundraisers:

Placing weekly Pizza and Subway orders each week.  This can be done by one person or shared by 2-3. Please contact Jeanette Rafferty for more details on this easy weekly opportunity.

The Diamond Tea

Have you purchased your tickets for this wonderful event yet?  Check out for more information on this amazing event that benefits PCA!  There are also several fun volunteer opportunities that you can be a part of.  Opportunities to get together with other gals from the school and prepare for the event!!  Contact Jeanette Rafferty for more information!

Parents In Prayer

Parents in Prayer resumed this first week and will continue every Friday morning after drop off.  Get together with other parents to pray the Rosary and enjoy fellowship and refreshments.  What a lovely way to end a week, praying for our children!

Yearbook Update

Yearbooks were supposed to be mailed to families who ordered them at home over the summer.  Unfortunately there were some unforeseen delays and they will not be delivered for another few weeks.  They will come to the school and will be hand delivered to each family that ordered.  We apologize for the confusion.  Please contact Jeanette Rafferty if you have any questions.

Special Thank You's...
We'd like to extend another big thank you to Nelly Fullard-Leo,  John and Elisa Hynds, Russ and Marianne Pachl, Greg and Claire Houlding, Eric Rafferty, Kim Pearson, Rob and Brandy Affleck, Chad and Joanna Hammerstrom,  Hillary Brotherton, Scott and Tamar Parker, Adrian and Angela Maitland, Scott Spencer, Jesse Stiltner and Tami Malone for all their hard work on the Back to School Ice Cream Social.  Additionally to anyone who helped clean up at the end of the event, thank you so much for lending a hand!  This event couldn't have been the success that it was without all of your time and efforts, so again THANK YOU!

We also want to thank PCA parent Michael Morton for being available this year to sell his delicious dogs from River City Hot Dogs.  It was so fun to have an extra food component this year and it seemed as though everyone enjoyed this addition to the event!  Mr. Morton, also generously donated a portion of his proceeds back to PCA, thank you so much!!

We hope that you all had a great first week of school!  It was great to see all of your smiling faces and we look forward to wonderful year with you.  If there is anything that we can do to make your first month back to school better, please feel free to reach out to any one of your Parents Club Board Members.  Have a great weekend!

Sincerely In Christ,
Jeanette & Eric Rafferty
PCA Parents Club Presidents

Scrip Team

Managing the Scrip process to get families what they need to purchase or use Scrip.  Please volunteer for one or multiple opportunities below by contacting Jeanette Rafferty.

Monday Afternoon Order Entry on 9/19, 12/5, 2/6, 3/26, 5/14:
Taking order forms from the Friday Folders that have been returned and doing data entry on the computer in the Room outside Ms. Parker's office.  About 1-2 hours each day listed above.  Filled

Wednesday Local Vendor Order Pick-Up on 9/20, 12/6, 2/7, 3/27, 5/15:
Pick up check at PCA office and drive around Camas and local vicinity to deliver check and pick up scrip.  Typically less than 1 hour each day listed above.  Filled.

Thursday Tigard Scrip Order Pick -Up on 9/22, 12/8, 2/9, 3,29, 5/17:
Drives to Tigard to pick up order and deliver to PCA office - daytime hours only.  About 3 hours roundtrip depending on traffic each day listed above.

Friday Folder Distribution on 9/23, 12/9, 2/10/12, 3/30, 5/18 (AM at school office):
Takes PCA's full order and separates it by family to insert into Friday Folders.  About 2 hours each day listed above.

Hot Lunch Chair & Hot Lunch Helpers

Hot Lunch Chair
Typical Hours per week: 3 to 3.5 hours a week.
Specific Times per week: pick up hot lunch for Liberty Middle School Cafeteria every Wednesday at 10:45
This is a straight forward opportunity and a great way to get your hours in for the year!  The chair selects and orders hot lunch once per month for the Wednesday hot lunch program.  They work with the office to obtain student order counts and places the order with the Camas School District (we have a long term relationship with the contact at the school district who is easy and great to work with!).  Organize or assign a volunteer (see below) to pick up hot lunch for Liberty Middle School Cafeteria every Wednesday at 10:45.  Manage volunteer schedules for both prep and serving on Wednesdays.  Maintain a stock of basic supplies such as serve ware and condiments.

Hot lunch Helpers:Teams of hot lunch helpers needed each week to
 prepare, set up, serve and clean up every Wednesday for hot lunch beginning on September 14th and continuing weekly through June.  Contact Jeanette Rafferty for scheduling questions.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lunch and Recess Rules 2011-2012

Recess Rules
Playground Rules:
1.       Ask permission to leave the recess area.  A buddy must accompany the student at all times.
2.      Use the equipment properly as designed:
·         Go DOWN the slide only.
·         Do not walk or run through the swing are when others are swinging.
·         Use jump ropes for jumping only and hula hoops appropriately
3.       Leave bark chips, sticks, and rocks on the ground.
4.      Keep off the fence.
5.      No physical contact is allowed, other than tagging on the arm.
Upper Field Rules:
1.      Ask permission to leave the recess area.  A buddy must accompany the student at all times.
2.      If student needs to go back over to the school the adult supervisor keeps eye contact until student is at the school.
3.      WALK down the hill from the field to the black top.
4.      Keep off fence.
5.      Stay on field side of fence.
6.      Do not intentionally kick or throw anything at the fence.
7.      If an object goes over the fence between the field and Father’s backyard, designate one child to go get it by using the gate located towards the back of the property.
8.      No physical contact is allowed, other than tagging on the arm.
9.      Snack must be eaten on blacktop near the garbage by the Parish Hall.  All wrappers must me thrown in the trash before children may go play.
10.  Children are not allowed behind the shed.

Lunch Room Rules

1.      Walk quietly into the lunchroom.

2.      Respect the authority of whoever is monitoring the lunch room at all times. 

3.      Stay seated at all times while eating your lunch.

4.       Raise your hand and receive permission to get up from your seat.

5.      Use proper table manners at all times.

6.      Clean up your area and return to your seat until dismissal.

7.      Line up quietly.

Picture Day Volunteer: Classroom Runner & Picture Prep Person

Morning of 10/7/11 - approximately 3 hours.

1 Runner needed to get the next class for photos. 
1 Picture Prep person needed to make sure students look their best.

School Pictures - What to Wear

Students wear their formal uniforms on picture day.  It is recommended to wear the cardigan or vest during the actual photo since the white shirt alone tends to wash out the skin tone.  There will be one volunteer helping during photos to help students look their best, but you may want to prep students before leaving to make sure they have their cardigan / vest with them.

Room Parent Job Description

Room Parents are the primary contact person assisting a given classroom teacher in areas of need such as:  class parties, field trips, and parent socials.  Get to know other families in your class better and work with your teacher to help organize classroom needs and fun parties.  Interacts with the other parents of the class via a once weekly email (if needed) to align parent volunteers with classroom opportunities. 

Typical hours workload is varied - 3 to 4 hours needed preceeding (approximately) 4 school year classroom events and some weeks no hours at all are required.  Some hours can be done at home at night, some hours needed during the school day*.  This year, room parents are NOT required to coordinate the Auction Art Project.

*Please make arrangements for childcare outside of the classroom for any younger siblings.

Questions, Training, and Sign Up for Room Parents handled by Jeanette Rafferty

Room Parents Needed for the following grades:
Kindergarten Filled
5th Grade
6th Grade

Lunch & Recess Monitors Job Description

Provide supervision for the students at lunch and afternoon recess, approximately 12 - 1 PM.  Make sure kids are playing safely and observing the playground and lunch room rules.

Volunteering for this allows teachers opportunities to have a rest and a lunch break.  As a volunteer, you are welcome to select days at random from the calendar, or select a regular schedule like a reocurring day of the week, all days one week, or some other variation of a schedule as determined by you. 

For questions or to volunteer or schedule time, please contact your Parent's Club President, Jeanette Rafferty.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Parent's Club Hosts the First Day of School Reception (both first days!)

A big thank you goes out to Nelly Fullard-Leo for putting on another wonderful Back to School Ice Cream Social!  It was so good to see everyone and to watch the excitement on our children's faces as they say hello to their teachers and see their classrooms.  This is one of our favorite events of the year and so we really appreciate the time and effort that was put in over the summer by Nelly and her team of volunteers, thanks again!!

We also wanted to remind you that Parents Club will be hosting a get together on both this coming Tuesday and Wednesday mornings after drop off and morning prayer.  Yes, you saw that right, there will be a reception Tuesday, and also one on Wednesday as that is the first day of school for our Pre-K children.  We will have coffee and delicious breakfast snacks to help ease you back into your school time morning routine.  

This is a great opportunity to reconnect with friends and fellow class parents and to meet new ones.  Whether you are excited about getting back to a routine, or nervous about sending your precious children into a new school and wondering what is next, there is something for everyone.  Also if you missed the Back to School Social, most of the Parents Club Board will be there with volunteer sign up sheets and can answer questions on anything that you missed.

So join us for food and fellowship on Tuesday and/or Wednesday morning.  We really look forward to kicking off the new school year with you!   

Sincerely In Christ,

Jeanette & Eric Rafferty
PCA Parents Club Presidents

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ladies Diamond Tea Volunteer Job Descriptions

1.     Pre-event Volunteer Descriptions:
·      Prep room décor
Wed Oct 5th 9- 11am
·      Prep guest registration packets
Wed Oct 12th 9-11am
·      Set up at the Nines
Fri Oct 21 7-8:30pm

2.     Day of event Volunteer Descriptions:
·      Set up
·      Early guest registration/check-in
·      Guest registration
·      Guest check-out
·      Break down

Questions, Training, and Sign Up handled by the Parent's Club Presidents.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Welcome Back from your Parent's Club Presidents!

Hello All Pacific Crest Academy Families!

It is hard to believe that there is only one week of summer remaining before we get to see all of your smiling faces again!  We hope that you have had an enjoyable and relaxing summer break.  

The Parents Club Board has  been working hard at making the final preparations to begin the 2011/2012 school year and we look forward to sharing with you several exciting changes that we have been working on.  Our goal as always is to not only support the faculty, administration, staff and students, however to also be a support system to all of our wonderful families.  We continue to look for ways to simplify and streamline, and for ways to unify and involve all of our parent community.  

Over the summer months, we have met with Tamar our Principal, Marcy our Business Manager, Melissa our Marketing Director, the PCA Board of Directors and St. Thomas Parish.  We are very excited about the continued high level of communication and positive relationships that we maintain with all of the stake holders within our organization.  

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday the 25th for our Back to School Social.  The entire Parents Club Board will be there and looks forward to seeing and visiting with all of you!

Sincerely in Christ,

Jeanette & Eric Rafferty
PCA Parents Club Presidents

Monday, August 15, 2011

PCA Faculty and Staff 2011-2012

2011-2012 Teaching & Administrative Staff
A listing of this year’s teaching staff is outlined below. They are an outstanding and enthusiastic group of professionals dedicated to your children. 

Miss Deborah Hannon
Aide: Mrs. Kathleen Tomassi
Miss Laura Gates
Aides: Mrs. Linda Reynolds and Mrs. Nelly Fullard-Leo
Miss Katie Wilkins
Aide: Mrs. Marianne Pachl
First Grade
Mrs. Sarah Kohlenberger
Second Grade
Miss Meghan Little
Third Grade
Miss Kara Lefebvre
Fourth Grade
Miss Stephanie Orizotti
Fifth Grade
Mrs. Kerri Jackson (Formerly Miss Sullivan)
Sixth Grade
Miss Sandra Hall
Seventh/Eighth Grade
Mrs. Angela Dasso
Miss Emily Dayton
Physical Education/Technology
Mrs. Lorri Dunn

Mrs. Tamar Parker
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Dawna Tangen
Business Manager
Mrs. Marcy Johnson
Marketing & Development Dir.
Mrs. Melissa Beatty

Hot Lunch 2011-2012

For the first couple weeks of school please pack a lunch for your children (include a drink).  Hot lunch forms will be sent home the first week of school.  Hot lunch will begin Wednesday, September 14th.  Please pay close attention to the hot lunch/subway/pizza deadlines. This year we are asking that you write two separate checks: one for Hot Lunch/Milk and the other for Subway/Pizza. 

First Week of School Schedule

First Week of School Schedule

It is very important that students arrive to school on time.  It allows them time to settle into their daily routine and not feel behind from rushing in late.  We thank you for your help in this important matter.

Welcome Back from Mrs. Parker!

August 12, 2011

Dear Families of Pacific Crest Academy,

Welcome to the 2011-2012 school year! Our Teaching and Administrative staff has been busy making preparations for the new academic year at PCA. I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with important information to help your family kick off the new school year.

2011-2012 Teaching & Administrative Staff
A listing of this year’s teaching staff is outlined below. They are an outstanding and enthusiastic group of professionals who have been busy planning a wonderful and challenging curriculum for your children. 

Miss Deborah Hannon
Aide: Mrs. Kathleen Tomassi
Miss Laura Gates
Aides: Mrs. Linda Reynolds and Mrs. Nelly Fullard-Leo
Miss Katie Wilkins
Aide: Mrs. Marianne Pachl
First Grade
Mrs. Sarah Kohlenberger
Second Grade
Miss Meghan Little
Third Grade
Miss Kara Lefebvre
Fourth Grade
Miss Stephanie Orizotti
Fifth Grade
Mrs. Kerri Jackson (Formerly Miss Sullivan)
Sixth Grade
Ms. Sandra Hall
Seventh/Eighth Grade
Mrs. Angela Dasso
Miss Emily Dayton
Physical Education/Technology
Mrs. Lorri Dunn

Mrs. Tamar Parker
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Dawna Tangen
Business Manager
Mrs. Marcy Johnson
Marketing & Development Dir.
Mrs. Melissa Beatty

Parent/Student Handbook
Revised editions of the Parent/Student Handbook were included in this year’s enrollment packet.  It is important that you take the time to read through it.  It contains essential information regarding school policies and procedures.  Please take special note of the sections regarding tardies and school uniforms.

New Parent Orientation and Back to School Social
All families are invited to attend our Back to School Social on Thursday, August 25th.  This annual event is a special time to welcome new families and catch up with returning ones.  New Parent Orientation will begin at 5:30pm in the Fireside room.  All new families are encouraged to attend. At 6:00pm families are invited to visit children’s classrooms and meet their teachers, aides, and specialists. The rest of the evening will be spent outside mingling.  River City Hot Dogs will be on site with food and fixings for purchase. Free ice cream will be provided by the PCA Parent’s Club.

New Parent Orientation (Fireside Room)
All Families Visit Classrooms
Ice Cream Social

First Week of School
First Week of School Schedule: 

Tuesday,  Aug. 30th
K-8th Grade
School begins: 8am
Pick up: Noon
School Uniforms
Wednesday, Aug. 31st
PreK 3 – 8th Grade
School begins: 8am
Pre K Pick up: Noon
K-8 Pick up: 1:45
School Uniforms
Thursday, Sept. 1st
PreK 4 (five day)
K-8th Grade
School begins: 8am
Pre K Pick up: Noon
K-8 Pick up: 3:00
PE Uniforms
Friday Sept 2nd
PreK 3 (3 days) PreK4
K-8th Grade
School begins: 8am
Pre K Pick up: Noon
K-8 Pick up: 3:00
School Uniforms

·         Tuesday, August 30th:All students are to come dressed in the school uniform NOT P.E. uniform
·         Wednesday, August 31st: School for ALL PreK-3 and PreK-4 students will begin
·         Students may begin arriving to their classrooms at 7:50am
·         Before school care is offered beginning at 7:30am in the childcare room located at the bottom of the stairs
·         After school care is available until 6:00pm

It is very important that students arrive to school on time.  It allows them time to settle into their daily routine and not feel behind from rushing in late.  We thank you for your help in this important matter.

School Lunch
For the first couple weeks of school please pack a lunch for your children (include a drink).  Hot lunch forms will be sent home the first week of school.  Hot lunch will begin Wednesday, September 14th.  Please pay close attention to the hot lunch/subway/pizza deadlines. This year we are asking that you write two separate checks: one for Hot Lunch/Milk and the other for Subway/Pizza. 

The format of the Forum is changing in an effort to streamline our communication with parents. Families will continue to receive it electronically; however the layout will look different.  The Forum will contain all the latest and greatest information from the Principal and Parents Club along with volunteer opportunities, upcoming school events and more.  The first edition will be emailed on Friday, August 19th.  It will include important back to school information and details regarding the much anticipated 2011Diamond Tea. 

We look forward to seeing all of you at the Back to School Social.

Sincerely in Christ,
Tamar Parker