Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Parent's Club Update 09-21-11

You won't want to miss the first Parents Club meeting of the year, tonight in the parish hall.  Childcare is available for the low low price of $5 per family, what a deal!  You must RSVP with Dawna in the office if you plan on utilizing the new and improved "Kids Club", so please contact the office asap so that we have enough "camp counselors" to make this first event a success.  Children will be provided with pizza along with many fun and exciting activities throughout the evening.

Food,  beverages, and fellowship will run from 6:00 until 6:30 with the meeting and business starting promptly at 6:30 with the agenda below.  Q&A will be available at the end of the meeting as time allows, however if you have anything additional that you'd like added to the agenda please contact Jeanette Rafferty.


·      Parents Club Board & 2011/2012 Goals 
·   “Kids Club”
·      New Budget Process & Reporting 
·      Changes to Volunteer Opportunities 
·      Update on Gala Technology Paddle Raise 
·   Important Golf Tournament Update
·      Guest Speaker – Jamie Teasdale 
·      RCIA 
·      Q&A 
·      Drawing and prizes!

Mrs. Parker's Message 09-23-11

Dear PCA Parents,

It is that time of year again to help out with the KBVM Share-a-thon.  KBVM (88.3 FM) is the local Catholic radio station located on the campus of the University of Portland.  They have been generous supporters of PCA allowing us the opportunity to promote PCA, our mission, and our annual hallmark Saint’s Museum live on the air.  For the past three years, and again this year, students are allowed to share what they learned about their Saint from the actual radio booth.  We in turn have shown our support by providing help during the Share-a-thon that happens in the fall and the spring.  We only need four volunteers to fulfill this commitment and your volunteer hours can be logged towards your 40 hour requirement.  Thank you for your support. 

Due to unforeseen circumstances Mrs. K’s Doctor has ordered her to be on bed rest effective immediately for the remainder of her pregnancy.  She was not expecting this and is very sad to have to leave early. However what is most important is the health of her and her precious little one.  We ask for your prayers, love, and support for her through this difficult time.  Mrs. Kathleen Tomassi will be filling in for her until she returns.    

I want to thank all of the families for observing the 25 mile per hour speed limit on the side streets.  I have not heard any more from our neighbors.  I am sure they appreciate your being safe & respectful by slowing down.  

Remember that the Jog-a-Thon is quickly approaching. It is on Monday, October 3rd.  If we meet our goal of raising $10,000 we have a special reward of a popcorn & a movie night and NO HOMEWORK for ALL students.   Packets were sent home last week in your Friday folder to help collect pledges.  Go Knights!

Please remember the Safe Environment Training Class must be completed by all parents who wish to volunteer at PCA.  If you’ve already taken the class in a prior year, you do not need to attend this year’s training but will need to complete paperwork which will be sent home next week.

The teachers had an inspirational morning last Friday at our Teacher Excellence Day hosted at Seton.  We spent the morning via webcast listening to Father Robert J. Spitzer.  His talk focused on the Spiritual Dynamics of Catholic Education.  The second part of his talk included the beatitudes and the realization that they reveal God’s great love for us and our salvation is through living them out.  Father Spitzer said that if you want to fully understand just how unconditionally loving and forgiving our God is, read the parable of the prodigal son. Then reflect upon the father’s rejoicing of his son who was lost but was found again.  The parable of the prodigal son can be found in Luke 15:11-32.

In closing I would like to share one of the quotes from his talk that inspired me.  ”God’s will is perfectly loving and his plan is to optimize love, goodness, and salvation through us.”

Have a great weekend.

In Christ,
Mrs. Parker

Box Tops & Soup Labels Fundraising

Earn cash for PCA every time you shop for groceries.  Clip Box Top coupons from your favorite grocery products.  Each coupon is worth 10¢ when redeemed.  Visit for a current list of participating brands or look on the side of the package for a coupon like those shown below.  Cambells participating brands include:  Campbell's, Pepperidge Farm, Franco-American, Prego, V8** and Swanson. 

How to help:

Send* your clipped box tops, Campbells UPC symbols, and V8** caps to PCA in your Friday Folders or via your classroom box.  PCA will send them as a group to Box Tops for Education and twice each year PCA receives a check in return (up to a maximum of $20,000)

*Box Tops Expire so please submit often.  **Save caps from V8 juices.
    What will the money be used for?
We redeem our points or cash for items such as playground equipment or art supplies. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Parent's Club Update 09-16-11

Introducing PCA Kids Club!
As families enrolled at Pacific Crest Academy, you are automatically members of the PCA Parents Club.  Well now you can give your children the opportunity to join the PCA Kids Club!  We are thrilled to launch this exciting program at our first Parents Club meeting of the year, next Friday September the 23rd.  

Kids Club will be a fun and exciting "revamped" childcare option available to families, so that everyone will have the opportunity to attend our Parents Club meetings.  Our new format will be much more structured than childcares of the past.  It will include structured activities around our "Race for Grace" campaign, a more formal check-in and check-out process and groupings for children by age group so that older children aren't hanging out with the preschool kids.

This amazing childcare option only costs $5 per family and includes pizza for the children!!  What a deal!! The $5 is mandatory and you must reserve a spot in advance with the office to ensure that we have enough Kids Club counselors and supplies for activities.

Look for more information in next week's Friday Folder and Forum!

As you now, we are offering a new pizza option this year on Thursdays from Godfathers pizza.  We are hoping that the kids like this option better than they did last year's choice.  Fortunately Godfather's is delivering to us for free each week, however we do need 1-2 folks available on Thursdays to serve the kids.  

Being with the kids is so much fun and this is an easy way to log those volunteers hours.  Lunch on Thursdays is at noon and all that is required is checking a pre-written list and passing out slices accordingly as the children arrive.  It's as simple as that!  Please contact Parents Club if you are interested in helping out with Pizza Thursdays!

Room Parent Training
Thank you to parents who have signed up to be Room Parents this year!  Parents Club provided training and materials for room parents this week and everyone is exciting about taking on this fun and fulfilling role  We still have spots open for 5th and 6th grades, so if you are interested and maybe have questions about what it takes and the time requirements, please do not hesitate to ask.  One important side note for returning families, is that Room Parents are NOT responsible for Gala Art Projects this year.  :)  Please contact Jeanette Rafferty if you are interested.  
After-school programs
This year we are offering art, choir, science and finance options.  All classes take place in the classrooms immediately after the school day end - which means you don’t have to pick up and drive your child to another activity. Just pick up your child later from school.

Finance Class

Are you interested in business and money?  Junior Achievement offers a great program called JA BizTown. This program is geared toward students in Grades 4-6. Students learn how to run a business through interactive activities with this award-winning and nationally-recognized curriculum.

Mad Science

Mad Science on Wednesdays, a weekly science lesson where students learn about molecules, robots,  space technology and much more.

After School Choir Practice

Choir practice with Ms. Dayton:

  • Mondays 3:00 - 3:45 PM
  • Grades 3 and above
  • meet in Ms. Dayton's classroom after school and travel as a class to the Parish Hall for practice
  • pick up children at Parish Hall
  • If not picked up by 4:00, students will be taken to daycare (Parent's charged).

For more information contact Ms. Dayton.

St. Thomas Knights of Columbus Used Glasses Drive

The Knights are also helping the "Lions Club of Washougal" with their Used Glasses drive.  Used Glasses are being collected and sent to Third World Countries and refitted for the poor.  Collection boxes are in the Fireside Room and downstairs in the church hall from now until mid-November 2011.  

St. Thomas Knights of Columbus Homeless Veterans Program

The Saint Thomas Knights of Columbus is helping to support the "Homeless Veterans Program" by helping provide needed items to homeless veterans.  The current list of needs are furniture, bedding & clothing, kitchen & bathroom items, cleaning supplies & paper products, personal hygiene & dental products.  If you are able to donate any of these items, please contact Earle Putnam .

St. Thomas Consolation Apostolate Ministry

This outreach program offers assistance and support to families who have experienced the loss of a loved one.  If you are interested in helping out with this group, please contact Jeanne Donnelly in the parish office.  834-2126

St. Thomas Coffee Hour Job Description

We need volunteers to help host hospitality after all St Thomas masses on the following Sundays:

  • Oct 30th
  • January 29th
  • April 29th
  • July 29th
Choose one date for the year or help with all 4.  Partner up with friends and other families within the parish, pick up some donuts and greet people in the hall after masses.  Fun and easy and your school hours count!  Please contact Jeanette Rafferty.

Yearbook Coordinator Job Description

Obtain photos from parents and staff throughout the year and after major school events in order to create the 2011/2012 yearbook.  An online program will be made available that is easy to use and can be added to throughout the year.  This is a great opportunity for individuals who need hours that can be logged from home!  Please contact Jeanette Rafferty for more details.

Thursday Pizza Servers

Arrive at noon on Thursdays until around 1 PM to help serve pizza to children who have ordered for the week.  A pre-prepared list will be provided by the office.  Servers needs to check the list and provide slice(s) to children as they arrive in the parish hall.  On occasion pizza will need to be walked over to the individual classrooms.  

Please contact Jeanette Rafferty if you are interested.

Mrs. Parker's Message 09-16-11

Dear Parents,
Ready, Set, Go! It is time to get ready for Pacific Crest Academy’s  third annual Jog-a-Thon on Monday, October 3rd. This is the first year PCA is holding our Jog-a-Thon in the fall. It’s a fun event that allows our students to participate in raising funds that go directly to supporting their education at Pacific Crest Academy.  The school spirit surrounding this day is inspiring.  Every class will be cheering each other on every step of the way. Parents are invited to volunteer or participate in cheering on the students as well.  In this week’s Friday folder you will be receiving an envelope with a few pages included to help you obtain pledges with ease.  Our goal is to raise $10,000 dollars.  If every student were to collect $100 dollars we would reach our goal.  If our school reaches that goal we have a very special surprise planned for the students they are sure to LOVE.  Go PCA!

Safe Environment Training must be completed by all parents who volunteer at PCA.  Training will be made available Thursday, Sept. 22 and Thursday, Oct. 6 in the Parish Hall beginning at 6:00 pm and lasting no more than two hours. Childcare will not be provided.  All parents must complete training before volunteering in the classroom. If you’ve already taken the class you do not need to attend this year’s training.  Information regarding renewal will be sent home by the end of this month.

We have received complaints from neighbors that cars are speeding on 5th and 6th street.  Please be respectful of our surrounding neighbors and observe the 25 mile per hour speed limit.  Thank you.

The safety of your children is always our number one priority. If you have not yet sent in your child’s emergency kit please do so as soon as possible.  Being prepared is key.  Thank you for your help in this matter.  

The PCA staff is looking forward to attending Teacher Excellence Day this Friday.  It is an opportunity for us to come together with other Catholic Schools in the Southern Deanery.  This event will be held at Seton Catholic High School. In attendance will be staff from St. Josephs, Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Rose from Longview, Seton and PCA.  The theme for this year is, The Spiritual Dynamic of Catholic Education.  Father Robert J. Spitzer will be the keynote speaker.

I wish all of you a wonderful three day weekend. 

In Christ,
Mrs. Parker

Emergency Kit

PCA Emergency Kit

Please return the following items in a single ONE GALLON SIZE Zip Lock Storage Bag clearly marked with your child’s name on the front.
*Emergency Kit Information
A primary concern of our school staff is the safety and well being of our students.  In the event of a major natural disaster, extended lock down, or other severe emergency, all students will be kept at school until they can be safely released.  The school could be caring for your child(ren) for several hours or more.  These kits will be stored together along with additional emergency items.  PLEASE BE SURE TO ALSO INCLUDE IMPORTANT MEDICAL INFORMATION IN YOUR CHILD’S KIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS THEY MAY NEED, i.e. EpiPen. 

Purchase items with longest expiration dates
2 granola bars/Cliff bars/Power bars
2 small bags of nuts/dried fruit
1 plastic bottle of juice (no larger than 16 oz. and no boxes)
1 16 oz. bottle of water
1 dust mask
2 large garbage bags (           to help protect them from the elements if outdoors)
1 small toy or comfort item
1 comfort letter from parent to child, along with a family photo
1 pair of underwear (optional, but good idea for younger children)
1 small first aid kit (purchase at Safeway or Wal-Mart)
1 small note card with emergency contact numbers
1 glow stick

*We realize children with special diets or allergies will need to adjust their kit accordingly. 

Do not include any item that needs cooking or refrigeration.  No glass or combustible items.  No boxed drinks.  EVERYTHING must fit into a ONE gallon size storage bag.  If you would like to prepare an extra bag for a student who is unable to supply one, please feel free to do so and mark the bag EXTRA.  Kits will be stored in your student’s classroom.

KBVM hosts Pacific Crest Academy 'Saints Museum' Live!

Keep your ears tuned to 88.3 FM KBVM to hear a preview of Pacific Crest Academy's Saints Museum between 8-9 AM on 10/31/11.  A group of lucky students will be chosen by the staff to give their Saint's information live on the air.

Want to help keep the KBVM & PCA relationship going strong?  Please help at the KBVM Sharathon.

Jog-a-Thon 2011

I’m sure that you have all settled in to your new fall routines, having embraced all of the excitement of returning to school.  Our traditional PCA Jog A Thon is now being held in the fall, Monday, October 3rd, so keep your eyes open for pledge packets coming home to you in your ‘Friday Folder’ (arriving to you ironically on Thursday, September 15th).

There will be prizes for the most laps run, the most monies raised and for the class who raises the most in pledges.  This is always a fun event filled with excited kids from every class  - PK to eighth grade – running their legs off with their hearts full of PCA pride!

Our goal for fundraising is $100 per student!! That’s only five $20 pledges, and if you can get more, do!! NEW THIS YEAR is the opportunity for businesses to sponsor each class and sponsor the school. Forms with details will be coming home soon, but each class that gets a sponsor will have a plaque with their sponsor’s name in their classroom and get their sponsorship put on our website and Facebook site!!!

I could use some more helpers on the day of the event to count laps and pour water for thirsty runners. I also have a need for someone to track the pledges by student and by class. The tracking is a great opportunity for someone looking to log some volunteer hours at home!

Watch for details in the Friday (Thursday) folder today!

In Christ,
Heather Deringer
Jog A Thon Chair

Teacher Excellence Day

The PCA staff is looking forward to attending Teacher Excellence Day this Friday.  It is an opportunity for us to come together with other Catholic Schools in the Southern Deanery.  This event will be held at Seton Catholic High School. In attendance will be staff from St. Josephs, Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Rose from Longview, Seton and PCA.  The theme for this year is, The Spiritual Dynamic of Catholic Education.  Father Robert J. Spitzer will be the keynote speaker.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mrs. Parker's Message 09-09-11

Dear PCA Families,

The teachers are moving full speed ahead delving into curriculum and getting the year started.  I observed one of our teachers using their document camera to teach a math lesson this week.  It was incredible to see what this new technology adds to the learning environment.  This amazing teaching tool provides infinite possibilities for educating your children.  I want to thank all the parents and teachers who graciously donated money to make this technology available to the teachers and students.  We are blessed to have a community so supportive of their children’s education. 

PCA students and staff celebrated the Blessed Virgin Mary’s birthday on Thursday with a special prayer service held at the Marian Grotto.  Each grade wrote a special prayer intention to present and lay in front of the Mary statue.  The seventh and eighth grade helped lead the entire student body in praying a decade of the rosary.  All students sang songs to honor our Blessed Mother.  It was beautiful to see how attentive and reverent the students were. 

Information regarding Emergency Kits can be found in this week’s Friday folder. Please take the time to put this important kit together and return it to your child(s) classroom as soon as possible.  The safety and well-being of your children is our number one priority.

Safe Environment Training must be completed by all parents who volunteer at the school.  Training will be made available Thursday Sept. 22 and Thursday Oct. 6 in the Parish Hall beginning at 6:00 pm and lasting no more than two hours. Childcare will not be provided.  All parents must complete training before volunteering in the classroom. Information regarding renewal for those who have already participated in the class will be sent home soon.

Thank you to all parents who attended Curriculum Night on Thursday.  I hope you found it to be informative.  Pacific Crest Academy recognizes the parents as the primary educators of their children.  Working in partnership we can provide the very best spiritual and educational experience for your children.

I leave you with the beautiful prayer of the Memorare to honor our Blessed Virgin Mary:

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

Sincerely in Christ,
Mrs. Tamar Parker

Safe Environment Training "Called To Protect"

Safe Environment Training, "Called to Protect" must be completed by all parents who volunteer at PCA it is mandatory.  All parent volunteers must complete the training before volunteering in the classroom, as a coach, or anything related to being in / around children.  All parent volunteers must renew their certificates each year, although renewing parents may opt for the short video (viewable online) and questionnaire to be sent home in the Friday Folders by the end of September.  First time volunteers must attend the class in person.

The class consists of watching 2 half-hour DVD's, receiving class handouts of bulleted highlights, Q & A, and receiving a certificate of completion kept on file at PCA.
  • Two classes offered: Thursday Sept. 22 -or- Thursday Oct. 6 in the Parish Hall, 6-8 PM.
  • Childcare will not be provided 

Spotlight on the Diamond Tea: Testimonials

Invitations for The Diamond Tea went out this week and we hope that you have had an opportunity to purchase your tickets* for this inspiring event.  This is the third year that this event benefiting PCA has been put on and several of us have had the pleasure of attending.  Please see below to read what PCA moms have said about this amazing event in previous years.

*If you are having trouble buying tickets online, checks can be delivered to the PCA office.

From the 2009 Tea
Wow...what an amazing event! All I can say is: Let's inspire to aspire before we expire!! I am writing this email with the biggest smile on my face because you have inspired ME! Totally fun event...Kristen and I had a blast. Have a wonderful weekend.”

“What a fantastic event you put together!! I felt pampered and feminine and laughed and cried and was motivated and inspired. I just wanted to send a quick note to you to let you know just how terrific I thought everything was. I am genuinely looking forward to Tea 2010.”

From the 2010 Tea
Thank YOU,  What a beautiful event!  I was proud to be there and even more proud to be somewhat associated with it.  Thank you, thank you, many times thank you!
Thank you to Habitat for Humanity for partnering with Pacific Crest Academy for two years now.  We are blessed to mutually support one another.  Thank you everyone for all your efforts as well.  Without everyone's help, this would not have been so beautifully pulled together!  Congratulations!“

“It was beautiful, fun, very successful, and thought provoking  This event was tremendously well advertised and very well planned and executed.  I think all of the women there must have enjoyed themselves and felt it was well worth their time and money - that's huge on a busy Saturday. God Bless!”

Once again I was blown away by the beauty, energy, excitement and love that was shown at the tea yesterday.  What a great day for PCA, Habitat and women in general. I brought three women to the event and they all had nothing but praise for everything – food, speaker, atmosphere, prizes, etc.  They commented on the details – the color scheme, the beautiful response cards, the goody bags.  I am so proud and honored to be in the company of wonderful, beautiful women I admire and respect.”

So many women have been touched by this beautiful afternoon of philanthropy and empowerment.  Women who may be in different places in their lives, come from different backgrounds and have different hopes and goals.  You will no doubt come away with something that you didn’t come in with, and all the while having had fun with the gals and being inspired.  Please check out the website for the event, and ask previous attendees about this event that you definitely want to be a part of.  I love to talk about the event myself and how it has personally touched me, so come find me to hear more about it!

Take a moment to invite your sister, mother or best friend. Ticket sales end September 22nd. This is not an event for young children; however, there will be a wonderful opportunity for PCA female students in grades 3-8 to serve as ushers at this event. Please stay tuned for upcoming information about signing your daughter up as an usher in the Forum Volunteer Opportunities section!

Parent's Club Update

Subway and Pizza Offerings Launch Next WeekSubway Tuesday’s and Pizza Thursday’s are launching next week!  Order forms are going out in today’s Friday Folder and they are due back to the office no later than Monday morning September 12th.  It is imperative that you return them Monday morning in your folders, late orders will not be processed this month due to time constraints for next week.

These two weekly offerings are not only a nice alternative lunch choice for our children, they are also mini fundraisers for the Parents Club.  There is a very small margin of profit built into the already great prices of these lunch choices.  Parents Club funds are used to help subsidize Parents Club events, teacher appreciation and Gala tickets and general supplies

Sub sandwiches are coming from Subway and we are switching to Godfather’s Pizza this year.  Godfather’s  offers a Gluten Free choice.  The gluten free dough is actually shipped in from a different facility and the pizza is prepared in a different area.  No sides or drinks are provided with either the sandwiches or the pizza, so please be sure to send in any ‘extras’ that your child prefers and a drink on the days that you are participating.

Please be sure to make checks payable to PCA Parents Club for your Subway/Pizza orders.

Jeanette & Eric Rafferty

Parents Club Presidents

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Subway / Pizza Order Form

Jog-a-Thon Job Descriptions

Chair Filled
·         Organizes all other volunteers
·         Works with Dir. Of Marketing / Development
·         Gets Donated Prizes
·         Expected Hours 10

Database Diva/ Dude
·         Catalogs all stats from laps to money, can be done at home following Jog a Thon
·         We already have a template that can be updated for this year
·         Expected Hours 5

Packets Premier Filled
·         Copies and assembles the initial packets for teachers/ students (packet group #1)
·         During jog a thon:  Counts tally sheets and sends out number of laps information for $$ collection information and thank you’s (packet group #2)
·         Expected Hours 1 for pre jog a thon.  4 for During Jog a thon to tally lap counts. 3 hours after the jog a thon to tally lap counts and money collected in spreadsheet.


·         Buys* and Prepares sliced oranges – 6 sections to an orange.  (figure 3/4 orange  per student.) Can be done at home ahead of time.  Place oranges in bags and delivers to PCA. 
* Paid by PCA - Submit a receipt and reimbursement.
·         Expected Hours 1 at home slicing oranges

Refreshment Table Filled
·         Loads Water Cooler with water and ice, Sets up table, prepares and refills water cups to runners
·         Set up / clean up food items
·         Expected Hours – 1 (half our at beginning/ half hour at end)

Lap Counters
·         Need 6 Total (need 5 more)
·         Mark the laps on each runners back tag
·         Expected Hours 4 each

Lap Tally
·         Count back tag tallies on the day of the event.
·         Expected hours 4 each

KBVM Sharathon

Pacific Crest periodically receives free publicity and press announcements from Catholic Radio 88.3 KBVM.  To help give back, and also help to keep our local Catholic Radio Station going, we have been asked to help take phone pledges.  We do need your help to keep this community link strong.  Also, these hours count towards your PCA volunteer hours!

As a volunteer, your job is easy - basically it's answering the phone and taking pledges.  They provide a cheat sheet and script to follow.  In addition, all volunteers receive a yummy breakfast and a delicious lunch.  

Please sign up with Dawna Tangen she will forward you the directions.  We need 4 volunteers total. 

KVBM is located near the Chiles Center at the University of Portland. 
Date and Time needed:  October 3rd from 9 AM- Noon. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011


What is Scrip?
Scrip is a term that means "subsitute money".  It is used just like cash and a portion of the proceeds go back to PCA!

Obtaining Scrip is easy - payments and receipt is handled through the Friday Folders.  A copy of the 2 page form are printable below.  Just click the image or see your Friday Folders for order forms Thursday Sept. 15th.  

Mrs. Parker's Message 09-02-11

Dear PCA Families,

The teachers and students had a successful start to the new year.  I want to thank all the parents for getting your students to school on time.  It makes for a great start to their day.  We celebrated our first school Mass with Fr. Oakland on Wednesday.  He then blessed all of the classrooms, students, and teachers.

PCA teachers and students have spent the week getting to know one another and building lasting and positive relationships that will set the foundation for a successful school year.  If at any time you have questions please do not hesitate to contact your teacher.  Collaboration between home and school is best practice for helping your child(ren) succeed in school.  

Sincere Thanks
I want to Thank Nelly Fullard-Leo and her group of volunteers for helping create a successful Back to School Ice Cream Social.  It was a wonderful way to start the year and build community spirit.  Thank you Nelly and volunteers for all of your hard work in organizing this important event and for adding the special touches that made the night so wonderful.

Curriculum Night
Curriculum night will be held Thursday, September 8th at 6:00 p.m. beginning in the Parish Hall.  We ask that at least one parent from each family attend this important night.  You will receive important information regarding your children's learning.  Following the presentation in the Parish Hall, two twenty minute breakout sessions will be held to allow parents to attend multiple classrooms. Each teacher will provide an overview of curriculum. The teachers look forward to seeing each of you and sharing the exciting things they have planned for the year.

Volunteering in the Classroom
Pacific Crest Academy teachers appreciate the support of our families and welcome volunteers into their classrooms.  In order to volunteer, your background check must be current and the Called to Protect Safe Environment Training must be completed.  If you have taken the training through a local Parish please bring in a copy of your renewal certificate. We now have trainers on site and will be offering the training in the near future. Those who took it from CYO last year will be receiving information on PCA’s renewal policy.  Please look for an update regarding the date and time for training and renewal policy in the upcoming Forum.  When volunteering at PCA, you must first sign in at the school office and obtain a volunteer lanyard.  This is a sign to both teachers and students that you are supposed to be on campus. Please be sure to return your lanyard to the PCA office before leaving campus.  Also if you are dropping off an item for your child that they forgot please bring it to the office and not to the classroom.  Thank you for your support in this matter.
Emergency Kits
The safety of your children is our number one priority.  Being prepared in case of any emergency or natural disaster is important and that is why we ask every family to create an emergency kit for each of their children.  Information will be given in next week’s Forum to further explain what should be included in each kit.  Your old kits will be sent home this week so that you can restock items that may have expired. 

Medical Forms
In order to ensure your children are given the appropriate care in case of a medical emergency, it is imperative an updated Emergency Medical Form is on file in the PCA office. This form is required to be filled out each year for each child. If you have not turned in your child’s Emergency Medical Form please do so as soon as possible. Be sure to fill out both sides.  We appreciate your support in this matter.  If your child has a severe allergy or other health issue that requires medication you must have your physician fill out an AUTHORIZATION FOR ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION FORM.  This does not take place of the other Emergency Medical Form.  Please refer to your Parent/Student handbook regarding the administration of all medications including cough drops.  
Technology Use Agreement
The Technology Use Agreement form must be signed and returned to the PCA office In order for your child to participate in technology class. If you have not turned in the form please do so as soon as possible. Thank you.

Mrs. Tangen, our administrative assistant, has been out of the office this week due to an illness in the family.  Please keep her family in your prayers.
We have had a wonderful first week of school and are looking forward to a great year filled with learning, laughter, and growing in our faith.  Please remember that my door is always open.  You may contact me at any time if you have questions or concerns.  I hope each of you have a wonderful three day weekend. 
Sincerely in Christ,

Mrs. Parker

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Volunteering in the Classroom

Volunteering in the Classroom
Pacific Crest Academy teachers appreciate the support of our families and welcome volunteers into their classrooms.  In order to volunteer, your background check must be current and the Called to Protect Safe Environment Training must be completed.  If you have taken the training through a local Parish please bring in a copy of your renewal certificate. We now have trainers on site and will be offering the training in the near future. Those who took it from CYO last year will be receiving information on PCA’s renewal policy.  Please look for an update regarding the date and time for training and renewal policy in the upcoming Forum.   When volunteering at PCA, you must first sign in at the school office and obtain a volunteer lanyard.  This is a sign to both teachers and students that you are supposed to be on campus. Please be sure to return your lanyard to the PCA office before leaving campus.  Also if you are dropping off something for your child that they forgot please bring it to the office and not to the classroom.  Thank you for your support in this matter. 

Curriculum Night 2011-2012

Curriculum Night
Curriculum night will be held Thursday, September 8th at 6:00 p.m. beginning in the Parish Hall*.  We ask that at least one parent from each family attend.  Following the presentation in the Parish Hall we will have two twenty minute breakout sessions to allow parents to attend multiple classrooms.  The teachers look forward to seeing all of you to share the exciting things they have planned for the year and to give an overview of the curriculum and what your child(ren) will be learning.  We appreciate the effort that you make to come to this important night. 

*Please note:  Child care will not be provided.

Parents in Prayer

Please join us every Friday after drop off in the Childcare Room for Parents in Prayer.  We pray the rosary as a group and then stay for optional coffee and conversation following.  Typical times are Fridays 8:00AM - 8:30AM for prayers, followed by socializing until around 9AM.  Children are always welcome.

Happy First Week of School from the Parent's Club

Hello PCA Parents,

New Volunteer Hours Tracking

In an effort to simplify tracking your volunteer hours, we have created a new tracking sheet that will be pasted on the back of each family’s Friday folder.  The goal is that you can log any hours that you’ve contributed on a weekly basis, so that you don’t have to go back mid year and try to remember what you did and when.  Please let us know if you have any questions about this new form!

Mark your Calendars!

Mark your calendars because you won’t want to miss our first of only 5 Parents Club Meetings this school year!  On Friday September 23rd we are looking forward to updating on you several exciting changes that we have been working on.  Included will be changes to the structure of the PC Board, changes to the PC budgets and volunteer opportunities that will make volunteering easier on you and your checkbook!  We will also have our usual social hour before and after the business meeting with great food and beverages.  This always proves to be a great time to socialize and get to know other families within the school.  An agenda will be provided in advance and if there is something in particular that you’d like to hear about or see covered at the meeting, please let Jeanette Rafferty know ASAP.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Hopefully you had a chance to review upcoming volunteer opportunities at our wonderful Back to School Social last week!  Below are the current list of opportunities that we need help with.  If you are interested in any of these fun and fulfilling positions, please contact Jeanette Rafferty.

Room Parents for the following grades:

5th Grade
6th Grade
This is a wonderful opportunity in a very fun and fulfilling role!  Get to know other families in your class better and work with your teacher to help organize classroom needs and fun parties.  More details are can be made available, and in person training will be provided to all room parents in the coming weeks.

Hot Lunch Chair:

Don’t be overwhelmed by the title, this is a straight forward opportunity and a great way to get your hours in for the year!  The chair selects and orders hot lunch once per month for the Wednesday hot lunch program.  They work with the office to obtain student order counts and places the order with the Camas School District (we have a long term relationship with the contact at the school district who is easy and great to work with!).  Organize or assign a volunteer to pick up hot lunch for Liberty Middle School Cafeteria every Wednesday at 10:45.  Manage volunteer schedules for both prep and serving on Wednesdays.  Maintain a stock of basic supplies such as serve ware and condiments.  Please contact me if you are interested.

Hot lunch Helpers:

Volunteers are needed to help prepare, set up, serve and clean up on Wednesdays for hot lunch beginning on September 14th.

Pizza and Subway Fundraisers:

Placing weekly Pizza and Subway orders each week.  This can be done by one person or shared by 2-3. Please contact Jeanette Rafferty for more details on this easy weekly opportunity.

The Diamond Tea

Have you purchased your tickets for this wonderful event yet?  Check out for more information on this amazing event that benefits PCA!  There are also several fun volunteer opportunities that you can be a part of.  Opportunities to get together with other gals from the school and prepare for the event!!  Contact Jeanette Rafferty for more information!

Parents In Prayer

Parents in Prayer resumed this first week and will continue every Friday morning after drop off.  Get together with other parents to pray the Rosary and enjoy fellowship and refreshments.  What a lovely way to end a week, praying for our children!

Yearbook Update

Yearbooks were supposed to be mailed to families who ordered them at home over the summer.  Unfortunately there were some unforeseen delays and they will not be delivered for another few weeks.  They will come to the school and will be hand delivered to each family that ordered.  We apologize for the confusion.  Please contact Jeanette Rafferty if you have any questions.

Special Thank You's...
We'd like to extend another big thank you to Nelly Fullard-Leo,  John and Elisa Hynds, Russ and Marianne Pachl, Greg and Claire Houlding, Eric Rafferty, Kim Pearson, Rob and Brandy Affleck, Chad and Joanna Hammerstrom,  Hillary Brotherton, Scott and Tamar Parker, Adrian and Angela Maitland, Scott Spencer, Jesse Stiltner and Tami Malone for all their hard work on the Back to School Ice Cream Social.  Additionally to anyone who helped clean up at the end of the event, thank you so much for lending a hand!  This event couldn't have been the success that it was without all of your time and efforts, so again THANK YOU!

We also want to thank PCA parent Michael Morton for being available this year to sell his delicious dogs from River City Hot Dogs.  It was so fun to have an extra food component this year and it seemed as though everyone enjoyed this addition to the event!  Mr. Morton, also generously donated a portion of his proceeds back to PCA, thank you so much!!

We hope that you all had a great first week of school!  It was great to see all of your smiling faces and we look forward to wonderful year with you.  If there is anything that we can do to make your first month back to school better, please feel free to reach out to any one of your Parents Club Board Members.  Have a great weekend!

Sincerely In Christ,
Jeanette & Eric Rafferty
PCA Parents Club Presidents