Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jog-a-Thon Job Descriptions

Chair Filled
·         Organizes all other volunteers
·         Works with Dir. Of Marketing / Development
·         Gets Donated Prizes
·         Expected Hours 10

Database Diva/ Dude
·         Catalogs all stats from laps to money, can be done at home following Jog a Thon
·         We already have a template that can be updated for this year
·         Expected Hours 5

Packets Premier Filled
·         Copies and assembles the initial packets for teachers/ students (packet group #1)
·         During jog a thon:  Counts tally sheets and sends out number of laps information for $$ collection information and thank you’s (packet group #2)
·         Expected Hours 1 for pre jog a thon.  4 for During Jog a thon to tally lap counts. 3 hours after the jog a thon to tally lap counts and money collected in spreadsheet.


·         Buys* and Prepares sliced oranges – 6 sections to an orange.  (figure 3/4 orange  per student.) Can be done at home ahead of time.  Place oranges in bags and delivers to PCA. 
* Paid by PCA - Submit a receipt and reimbursement.
·         Expected Hours 1 at home slicing oranges

Refreshment Table Filled
·         Loads Water Cooler with water and ice, Sets up table, prepares and refills water cups to runners
·         Set up / clean up food items
·         Expected Hours – 1 (half our at beginning/ half hour at end)

Lap Counters
·         Need 6 Total (need 5 more)
·         Mark the laps on each runners back tag
·         Expected Hours 4 each

Lap Tally
·         Count back tag tallies on the day of the event.
·         Expected hours 4 each