PCA Emergency Kit
Please return the following items in a single ONE GALLON SIZE Zip Lock Storage Bag clearly marked with your child’s name on the front.
*Emergency Kit Information
A primary concern of our school staff is the safety and well being of our students. In the event of a major natural disaster, extended lock down, or other severe emergency, all students will be kept at school until they can be safely released. The school could be caring for your child(ren) for several hours or more. These kits will be stored together along with additional emergency items. PLEASE BE SURE TO ALSO INCLUDE IMPORTANT MEDICAL INFORMATION IN YOUR CHILD’S KIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS THEY MAY NEED, i.e. EpiPen.
Purchase items with longest expiration dates
2 granola bars/Cliff bars/Power bars
2 small bags of nuts/dried fruit
1 plastic bottle of juice (no larger than 16 oz. and no boxes)
1 16 oz. bottle of water
1 dust mask
2 large garbage bags ( to help protect them from the elements if outdoors)
1 small toy or comfort item
1 comfort letter from parent to child, along with a family photo
1 pair of underwear (optional, but good idea for younger children)
1 small first aid kit (purchase at Safeway or Wal-Mart)
1 small note card with emergency contact numbers
1 glow stick
*We realize children with special diets or allergies will need to adjust their kit accordingly.
Do not include any item that needs cooking or refrigeration. No glass or combustible items. No boxed drinks. EVERYTHING must fit into a ONE gallon size storage bag. If you would like to prepare an extra bag for a student who is unable to supply one, please feel free to do so and mark the bag EXTRA. Kits will be stored in your student’s classroom.