Dear PCA Parents,
It is that time of year again to help out with the KBVM Share-a-thon. KBVM (88.3 FM) is the local Catholic radio station located on the campus of the University of Portland. They have been generous supporters of PCA allowing us the opportunity to promote PCA, our mission, and our annual hallmark Saint’s Museum live on the air. For the past three years, and again this year, students are allowed to share what they learned about their Saint from the actual radio booth. We in turn have shown our support by providing help during the Share-a-thon that happens in the fall and the spring. We only need four volunteers to fulfill this commitment and your volunteer hours can be logged towards your 40 hour requirement. Thank you for your support.
Due to unforeseen circumstances Mrs. K’s Doctor has ordered her to be on bed rest effective immediately for the remainder of her pregnancy. She was not expecting this and is very sad to have to leave early. However what is most important is the health of her and her precious little one. We ask for your prayers, love, and support for her through this difficult time. Mrs. Kathleen Tomassi will be filling in for her until she returns.
I want to thank all of the families for observing the 25 mile per hour speed limit on the side streets. I have not heard any more from our neighbors. I am sure they appreciate your being safe & respectful by slowing down.
Remember that the Jog-a-Thon is quickly approaching. It is on Monday, October 3rd. If we meet our goal of raising $10,000 we have a special reward of a popcorn & a movie night and NO HOMEWORK for ALL students. Packets were sent home last week in your Friday folder to help collect pledges. Go Knights!
Please remember the Safe Environment Training Class must be completed by all parents who wish to volunteer at PCA. If you’ve already taken the class in a prior year, you do not need to attend this year’s training but will need to complete paperwork which will be sent home next week.
The teachers had an inspirational morning last Friday at our Teacher Excellence Day hosted at Seton. We spent the morning via webcast listening to Father Robert J. Spitzer. His talk focused on the Spiritual Dynamics of Catholic Education. The second part of his talk included the beatitudes and the realization that they reveal God’s great love for us and our salvation is through living them out. Father Spitzer said that if you want to fully understand just how unconditionally loving and forgiving our God is, read the parable of the prodigal son. Then reflect upon the father’s rejoicing of his son who was lost but was found again. The parable of the prodigal son can be found in Luke 15:11-32.
In closing I would like to share one of the quotes from his talk that inspired me. ”God’s will is perfectly loving and his plan is to optimize love, goodness, and salvation through us.”
Have a great weekend.
In Christ,
Mrs. Parker