Dear PCA Families,
The teachers and students had a successful start to the new year. I want to thank all the parents for getting your students to school on time. It makes for a great start to their day. We celebrated our first school Mass with Fr. Oakland on Wednesday. He then blessed all of the classrooms, students, and teachers.
PCA teachers and students have spent the week getting to know one another and building lasting and positive relationships that will set the foundation for a successful school year. If at any time you have questions please do not hesitate to contact your teacher. Collaboration between home and school is best practice for helping your child(ren) succeed in school.
Sincere Thanks
I want to Thank Nelly Fullard-Leo and her group of volunteers for helping create a successful Back to School Ice Cream Social. It was a wonderful way to start the year and build community spirit. Thank you Nelly and volunteers for all of your hard work in organizing this important event and for adding the special touches that made the night so wonderful.
Curriculum Night
Curriculum night will be held Thursday, September 8th at 6:00 p.m. beginning in the Parish Hall. We ask that at least one parent from each family attend this important night. You will receive important information regarding your children's learning. Following the presentation in the Parish Hall, two twenty minute breakout sessions will be held to allow parents to attend multiple classrooms. Each teacher will provide an overview of curriculum. The teachers look forward to seeing each of you and sharing the exciting things they have planned for the year.
Volunteering in the Classroom
Pacific Crest Academy teachers appreciate the support of our families and welcome volunteers into their classrooms. In order to volunteer, your background check must be current and the Called to Protect Safe Environment Training must be completed. If you have taken the training through a local Parish please bring in a copy of your renewal certificate. We now have trainers on site and will be offering the training in the near future. Those who took it from CYO last year will be receiving information on PCA’s renewal policy. Please look for an update regarding the date and time for training and renewal policy in the upcoming Forum. When volunteering at PCA, you must first sign in at the school office and obtain a volunteer lanyard. This is a sign to both teachers and students that you are supposed to be on campus. Please be sure to return your lanyard to the PCA office before leaving campus. Also if you are dropping off an item for your child that they forgot please bring it to the office and not to the classroom. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Emergency Kits
The safety of your children is our number one priority. Being prepared in case of any emergency or natural disaster is important and that is why we ask every family to create an emergency kit for each of their children. Information will be given in next week’s Forum to further explain what should be included in each kit. Your old kits will be sent home this week so that you can restock items that may have expired.
Medical Forms
In order to ensure your children are given the appropriate care in case of a medical emergency, it is imperative an updated Emergency Medical Form is on file in the PCA office. This form is required to be filled out each year for each child. If you have not turned in your child’s Emergency Medical Form please do so as soon as possible. Be sure to fill out both sides. We appreciate your support in this matter. If your child has a severe allergy or other health issue that requires medication you must have your physician fill out an AUTHORIZATION FOR ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION FORM. This does not take place of the other Emergency Medical Form. Please refer to your Parent/Student handbook regarding the administration of all medications including cough drops.
Technology Use Agreement
The Technology Use Agreement form must be signed and returned to the PCA office In order for your child to participate in technology class. If you have not turned in the form please do so as soon as possible. Thank you.
Mrs. Tangen, our administrative assistant, has been out of the office this week due to an illness in the family. Please keep her family in your prayers.
We have had a wonderful first week of school and are looking forward to a great year filled with learning, laughter, and growing in our faith. Please remember that my door is always open. You may contact me at any time if you have questions or concerns. I hope each of you have a wonderful three day weekend.
Sincerely in Christ,
Mrs. Parker